A warm welcome to the second half of 2019. A lot has been happening in our environment with numerous changes coming through. These changes have no doubt impacted you as an individual and the business has also not been spared. In these volatile times, it is important that we reassure you, that you- our people are our most prized asset. Our success can only come about through your dedication, hard work and focus on providing superior customer experience. Our commitment to you is that hard work will continue to be rewarded. The business has put in place a couple of measures to ensure that we minimise the economic effects and enable you to still deliver your best performance.

I would also like to speak briefly about the future of the business. Our parent company, the Masawara Group has challenged us to grow the size of each business ten times in the next 5 years. I know you are thinking, is this even realistic or possible? It is very much achievable. There are few notable local examples who have managed to do that despite the turbulent economic environment in which they operate in. One such company is the Innscor Group which has grown to become one of the largest companies on the Zimbabwean stock exchange. An example closer to home, within the Masawara family is our very own Grand Re. They too have managed to achieve astronomical growth in the five years. These companies are no different from ours, yet they have achieved the seemingly impossible. This reminds me of a quote by Tommy Lasorda that says, “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination” If we are deliberate, determined and plan we can also achieve this feat in our individual businesses.

Now that I have managed to convince you that it can be done, you may now be wondering what is my role in all of this? Your MDs will lead a process to plan how we can achieve such growth in our individual businesses. The call is for you to play your part and get involved in the planning and most importantly in the execution of this exciting chapter of our history. The call is for you to think outside the box in a radical and disruptive way. We have moved away from the same old, same old but to a new era that calls on you to be innovative and help drive this business to its desired destination. The call is for you to rise and be counted!

Until our next issue, Lets continue to Make life better

